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Sample poetry from the chapbook: Politics, Religion, and Drew Barrymore - by John Newmark

Peace Tanka
(previously published at Tribalsoulkitchen)

bullets ricochet
bombs explode in shopping malls
blame is elusive
violence returned for violence
a constant slate full of blood

Words aren't the answer
they are only the question.
poems lacking action
require deeds to follow lead.
Otherwise, nothing happens.

(previously published at EOTU)

On the slip of paper
The child writes “Aardvark”
Folds it in half and inserts
into the mouth
of the clay creature
his parents brought back from Prague.

Nothing happens.

He removes the paper,
looks for the next word in the dictionary
and begins the process anew.
If there exists a word in English
that will work the magic
he will find it.

This is just to say...
(with apologies to William Carlos Williams)

Inside the red wheelbarrow
Drew Barrymore waits for me.

Everything depends upon
the whipped cream,
the peanut butter.
Not the white chickens
Not the rain water.

This is just to say...
She tastes good to me.
She tastes good to me.
She tastes good to me.